Advancements over the past several years have resulted in significant improvements in aircraft capabilities. As both business and commercial aircraft become increasingly sophisticated, countries worldwide have implemented requirements for entering their airspace that reflect these upgraded capabilities.
From Controller Pilot Datalink Communications (CPDLC) requirements across the Atlantic oceanic airspace, to Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) requirements in the Far East, keeping track of all required ICAO equipment codes can be both confusing and a challenge.
This August, Canada will be the latest country to require ADS-B equipment for entry into their airspace, per NAV CANADA’s recently released AIC 10/23 in April 2023. The circular details the required equipage identification in the flight plan ICAO item 10b and Item 18 remarks.
Beginning August 10, 2023, Canada will be implementing the first phase of the mandate, which encompasses all aircraft flying within Class A airspace (FL180-FL600). A second phase will follow in May 2024, encompassing Class B airspace (FL125-FL180) in addition to Class A.
Additional details can be found on the NAV Canada website:
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