Aircraft traffic to Nice, France (Cote D Azure/LFMN) is very busy in the summer months, and with this traffic uptick comes the potential for multiple challenges including parking, slots, and fuel availability.
Often the notification of fuel shortages via NOTAM or other means occurs with little advanced warning. With this in mind, please consider the following if your plans include operating to Nice yet this summer:
- All Jet-A fuel is provided by truck as there is no pipeline for the airport.
- Airline traffic will always have priority with commercial flights now back to pre-COVID levels along with additional wide body aircraft destinations to the USA, UAE, and Kuwait.
- Suppliers SASCA and Air Total seem to be the most impacted.
- The weekends and Mondays are more commonly impacted due to the fuel being trucked into the airport and no deliveries occurring over the weekend.
- Consider tankering fuel into Nice.
- Consider fueling on arrival.
- If fuel is available, delays of up to two hours for delivery can occur. Refueling on arrival or prior to day of departure should be considered.
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