If your travels take you to Greece this Summer, you are one of many operators with this destination in mind. Take advantage of FPI’s partnership with JetSet Services and their specific Greek aviation expertise, and consider the following key points that will help your Summertime trip planning:
PPR and Slots cannot be handled earlier than 14 days prior to the scheduled date of flight, which is the earliest authorities will allocate a PPR. The allocated PPR must match the available slot in order to be valid. The flight must operate within +/- 15 min of the allocated slot, otherwise there is a high probability the flight plan will be suspended by Eurocontrol or subject to fines from the local airport authorities.
Mykonos/LGMK and Santorini/LGSR allow a maximum ground time of 40 minutes during the Summer season. Overall, ground time is an issue at most of the Greek islands.
Overnight parking is also an issue in most Greek airports during the Summer.
Airports that may accept parking (pending demand and availability) are:
Thessaloniki/LGTS, Samos/LGSM, Mytilene/LGMT, Kavala/LGKV, Alexandroupolis/LGAL, Volos/LGBL, Patras/LGRX, Limnos/LGLM, Chania/LGSA, Heraklion/LGIR and Ioannina/LGIO
Alternatively, and for flights operating to the Aegean Islands, we suggest considering Turkey as a parking option, which is almost the same distance as certain Greek parking airports.
If flights are operating to the Ionian islands (Kerkira/LGKR, Kefalonia/LGKF and Zakinthos/LGZA), Croatia is another parking alternative.
Athens/LGAV currently allows overnight parking, but this will be reduced as we move deeper into the Summer season.
Almost all airports in Greece have fuel availability, with the exception of both Alexandroupolis/LGAL and Paros/LGPA.
Catering is available only at Athens/LGAV, Heraklion/LGIR, Kerkira/LGKR, Thessaloniki/LGTS, Rhodes/LGRP, Mykonos/LGMK, Santorini/LGSR, Kefalonia/LGKF and Kalamata/LGKL.
The following are 24-hr airports: Athens/LGAV, Thessaloniki/LGTS, Heraklion/LGIR, Chania/LGSA, Santorini/LGSR, Mykonos/LGMK, Rhodes/LGRP, Kerkira/LGKR and Kos/LGKO. All other airports have operating hours as per issued NOTAMS.
It is highly suggested that operators carry a towbar with them. There are several airports in Greece that only permit operations if the operator confirms towbar availability.
Kalamata/LGKL, Chania/LGSA, Patras/LGRX, Preveza/LGPZ, Limnos/LGLM and Volos/LGBL require landing permission from the military for private flights which can be issued within approximately 24 hours.
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To learn more about FPI’s partner vendor JetSet Services and other regional Special Services Network (SSN) teams within FPI, please contact our Operations staff here at Flight Pro International.
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