Rome has 2 airports: Ciampino (LIRA) and Fiumicino (LIRF).
Ciampino is operational from 07:00 to 22:45 local for GA flights but has a restriction of 61 flights per day.
Fiumicino accepts GA flights from 23:00 to 06:00 local and parking is available overnight, but departure is required by 06:00 local. Fiumicino accepts GA flights during daytime when Ciampino has exceeded 61 movements for the day, but only as a “drop off and go”.
It’s important to note that approved PPR cancellations for Ciampino must be sent at least 60 hours before the scheduled flight arrival time (STA). Failure to comply with that limit (48 h – STA) will constitute grounds for reporting to ENAC by Rome Ciampino Airport Office, who could apply sanctions (up to € 6.197,00) as provided for by law (L.689/81).
Salerno and Naples
Salerno/LIRI airport has been closed since 2020 due to construction to extend the runway and is currently scheduled to reopen to General Aviation (GA) aircraft on July 11, 2024. The runway length has been increased from 5,430 ft to 6,562 ft and is planned to be extended in the future to approximately 7,218 ft. By 2025, LIRI will have a General Aviation Terminal (GAT) along with separate parking strictly for GA aircraft.
When the airport reopens in July, there will be a total of 9 parking spots available:
- (5) nose-in spots for aircraft with wingspan between 24-36 meters;
- (1) nose-in spots for aircraft with wingspan between 15-24 meters;
- (3) self-maneuver spots for aircraft with wingspan between 24-36 meters
The reopening of Salerno airport is important to the region as it will aid in taking some of the pressure off Naples/LIRN airport, which is a very congested airport. Like Naples, slots and a PPR will be required for LIRI; however, LIRN only allows “drop-off and go” turnarounds. It is recommended to submit your handling requests as early as possible to give yourself the best chance of obtaining the slots, PPR, and parking as desired.
Drive Distance/Times:
- Salerno to Naples: 44 miles / Approximately 1 hour without traffic
- Salerno to Amalfi Coast: 20 miles / Approximately 40 minutes without traffic
Bari and Brindisi
Between April 1st and October 1st, parking of aircraft at Bari (LIBD) and Brindisi (LIBR) will only be allowed for a maximum of 3 hours. Stops longer than 3 hours are allowed only between 22:00-07:00 local.
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