The Spirited FPI Team Celebrates Their 3-Year Anniversary
Most companies barely have their footing only three years out of the start-up gate. Yet FPI is a clear front-runner among Trip Management companies who’ve been in the race for decades.
For this special edition, President and COO, Matt Pahl, took the opportunity to address the FPI audience and clientele who’ve joined the race and are the true champions of the course.
“In celebration of our 3-year Anniversary, we’ll illuminate three pillars that propelled us from the start and that have allowed the spirit of our close-knit team to become more than just vendors for our clients:
- Pillar #1: Our Services
- Pillar #2: Our Technology
- Pillar #3: Our Team (Internal & Global Partners)
“Before continuing further, however, we’d like to express an enormous amount of gratitude to the most important aspect of our existence: Our Clients. We cannot thank you enough for your loyal business and partnership.
“Whether you took a chance on us in the very beginning or whether you recently joined the family, we truly appreciate your trust in FPI.
“While we certainly strive to be excellent with ‘the what’ and ‘the how’ of elite private aviation Trip Management, in FPI it’s truly all about ‘the why’.
(A few members of FPI’s global team)
“Internally, globally, and with each client, we aim to create and foster a family atmosphere, regardless of the size of the client, the role of the vendor, or the position of the employee. Our goal is to make the client/FPI process journey experience as meaningful as their actual traveling journey.”
The “what” of FPI’s essence is to be a best-in-class elite Trip Management company servicing clients of all sizes around the globe. The “how” is outlined within today’s featured three pillars:
Pillar #1: FPI’s Services
- Experienced, fully integrated Weather, Flight Planning and Trip Specialists teams working 24/7 together and in-house.
- Representative Offices in the UK and France with Exclusive Representation now added in Germany.
- Special Services Network (SSN) of Representatives located worldwide
- In-House Contract Fuel Coordinator and Travel Agency Support Services
- Worldwide Credit Support for Airport, Handling, and Air Nav Fees in most locations
- In-House Compliance and Regulatory Teams
- Clear and Simplified Billing Statements
- and more… A complete list of FPI’s services can be found HERE.
“Our goal is to provide an elegant-yet-simplified client experience that delivers peace-of-mind, ROI, and return on experience… critical benefits in today’s accelerated pace, whether looking for professional trip management, flight planning, or hotel and concierge accommodations, no matter where your travels take you in the world,” states Tom Balousek, FPI Founder.
Pillar #2: Flight Pro Connect (FPC) — An Industry-leading Trip Management Software Solution and Secure Flight Management Technology
- Free for all FPI clients.
- Originally rolled out in November 2021 for internal users.
- Client-view version released in April 2022.
- Mobile application for iOS and Android tablets available in Fall 2023 (beta testing currently underway).
- Phone App for iOS and Android scheduled for 2024.
- Successful Pen Test after only one year of client-view release (2022).
- Current Pen Test (August 2023) and commitment to perform annual Pen Tests on web and mobile solutions (READ MORE about FPC’s Pen Test process).
- Cloud-based infrastructure to provide greater speed, flexibility, IT support, and on-demand storage & scalability.
- Geo-Redundancy: Should an emergency situation warrant the pivot, FPC has the ability to convert the entire platform and immense collection of trip management data from one major US Region to a completely separate major US Region and do so in a single hour… before most users would become aware of this colossal technical feat behind the scenes.
- On-Demand Scalability to avoid experiencing slow-times during high-demand usage.
”At the inception of FPC development, our goal has always been to remain customer-centric as the core driver behind the FPC program, even if it appears to be ‘overkill’ for the average client trip,” states Roberto Cormack, FPI Executive VP, CIO, and leader of the FPC development team.
“We stand by our commitment to continually develop FPC and our technology services in the future to fully support and enhance the client experience.”
Pillar #3: FPI’s valued Partners and Team
Achieving FPI’s first two pillars in a short three years would normally be an unrealistic feat; however, the history of FPI’s team is what lended the group to make great strides in record time.
With an internal and global team who’d already worked together in the industry for 3+ decades, FPI’s founding more closely resembled an entrepreneurial family reunion than a completely green start-up.
In 2020, Founder Tom Balousek had recognized that his original “one stop shop,” VIP services vision would fill a newfound marketplace void, echoing a 1978 vision when he and partners began Air Routing.
Thus the spirit of “family” and “purpose” was immediately born into FPI’s company culture, and was quickly noticed by service partners, clients, and colleagues across the globe.
FPI’s global team grew to become the most comprehensive and versatile trip management professionals in the industry thanks to their continued pioneering spirit and global expertise across an unmatched array of pre-trip, during-trip, and post-trip services.
With a knack for continued ingenuity, over-the-top regard for decades-long client relationships, and a vast network of global vendors, FPI claims an unmatched position in the private aviation space thanks to streamlining all trip management service types under one roof.
Although such accomplishments are noteworthy, truly the winners of FPI’s achievements and spirit are FPI’s clients.
“Every step we take in the name of progress within FPI is in pursuit of becoming and remaining a trusted partnership of business aviation professionals for our clients, regardless of their size or frequency of flight,” states Matt Pahl.
Tom Balousek concurs, “There’s a special spirit among the FPI team, and we invite our clients to share in this spirit with us.”
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To learn more about the FPI, along with our Compliance, Operations, Regulatory, and other Special Services Network (SSN) teams, please contact our Operations staff here at Flight Pro International.
Our success is your success! Partner with us today.